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Friday, March 22, 2013

Sleep Combat

I toss and turn,
Waging fierce combat
Against the sleeping pill.
Will I sleep? Will I dream?
I don't know.
All I can do
Is write this poem
And hope for the best.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Ferryman

In a self-created hell,

there is no Charon
To ferry us across
The river Styx.
We are alone.
The one remaining place
To seek out the ferryman
Is inside.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Crunchy Leaves

Laying in bed,
Tossing and turning,
I think of the crunchy leaves
I stepped on earlier.
And I feel guilt
That no one else will ever
Step on those same leaves again.
I've effectively planted my flag
Expanding my crunchy leaf dominion.
Others will just have
To live with that.

Monday, March 4, 2013


Silence is a gift
For which we have so little time.
A shame--
We can scarcely comprehend
All it could tell us
If we would but listen.

Inner Wars Are Best Fought By Proxies

Toy soldiers,
Lined up in formation
In resplendent battle gear.
Peasats with pitchforks arrayed
On the other side.
Inner wars are best fought by proxies,
and I don't care who wins.