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Monday, December 31, 2012

The Key and the Lock

Is a question
Asked by the jailer
As he jangles his keys.
Will you allow your heart to open
Lest the lock grow
Hard from rust?
Set yourself free.
Break out of this self-created prison
and LIVE
While you still remember how.

Friday, December 28, 2012

The Snowflake

Stick out your tongue
And taste the snowflake.
If a mere grain of snow
Can grant you the taste of perfection,
What of the Universe?
There is a lesson in this
For those who know.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Mirror

I gazed within,
But all I saw
Was a dull, dusty mirror,
Rusted and tear-streaked.
When will the Polisher
Answer my prayers
And clean the mirror
Until I see my Self?

The Gift of Clarity

Even with a thousand words,
You cannot buy clarity.
Only the coming of the Friend
Can bestow this wondrous gift.
Keep your heart's door open,
Ready for his arrival.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Door

The Friend
Knocks upon your door.
Why do you stand aloof?
Why does your hand tremble
On the doorknob?
Open it;
Or better yet:
Realize that there is no door.

Monday, December 24, 2012

The Prison of Unknowing

Mixed with your tears,
This eggshell around you
Has hardened into concrete.
When will you flee
This prison of unknowing?
Your true birth awaits
Like a patient dog
Outside his master's door.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Your work
Furthers your becoming.
Lean, therefore,
Into the task at hand.
With every drop of sweat,
A lotus flower blooms.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Casting Out the Chill

That Sun burns brightest
Which must be sought within.
Dive inside yourself,
Until you have arrived.
There, your own Sun warms you,
Casting out the chill of separation.


When your demons chase you,
Chomping at your heels,
Hug them closely
To your heart.
In time, these snarling phantoms
Will be meek as lambs.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sun That Leaves No Shadow

Within us
Blazes a shimmering Sun
That leaves no shadow.
Seek to know it.
Travel within to commune with it.
When you do,
It will smile radiantly
And welcome you home.

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Feast

Is merely a sign
That a feast is at hand.
Lean into your fear
And take a juicy bite.
Savor it.
No intermission will mar
This feast.
No unwelcome interloper
Will crash the party uninvited.
Leave the weeping
To the brave.
For you,
Sustenance comes in many forms.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Pauper's Fee

Though You are inexhaustible,
My heart subsists
On a pauper's fee.
Why do my hands
Reach so timorously,
So feebly,
For You?

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Serene Exaltation

"There stole over me that mood of serene exaltation in which everything seems good and rapturous, the world and its human beings; that mood in which one has an urge to embrace every tree and stroke its bark as though it were the flesh of a loved one; in which one longs to enter every house, to sit down by the side of its unknown occupants and unburden oneself to them; in which one's own breast is filled to bursting point, and one's emotions are too much for one, in which one would like to open one's heart, to give lavishly of oneself--to spend and squander some of the superabundance of one's happiness."

--Stefan Zweig, Beware of Pity

The Melancholy Sojourner

Your heart is a shelter,
Ever ready to put up
Weary guests.
Even the melancholy sojourner
Will ask for rest.
Let him stay,
And when he is ready,
Let him leave
With words of blessing.

Friday, December 14, 2012


When all around you cries
And crumbles,
Plunge within and beyond
Your Self.
Beyond the chaos and tumult
And eddying whirlpools of memory,
lies clarity,
Radiant and unabashed.
Embrace it with all your heart,
And the Universe
Will embrace you.

The Guest

If you are in such a hurry to die,
Why does the same blue sky
Still shelter you?
But wait,
Tarry a while.
Keep the doors of your
Heart open,
Its interior pristine
For when the Guest finally arrives,
Weary from the journey.
That same Guest
Carries the key
To unbind your chains
And move you to tears
Once again.